It is of such importance that we fully embrace the roles we play and the impact they have on others� lives. Answer the following questions in your workbook.


1)   What kind of person would you like to be seen as in:


a)    One years time:

b)   Five years time:

c)    Ten years time:

d)   Fifty years time:


2)   In your opinion, how realistic are these predictions?

3)   Are they different to what you thought about your future two years ago?

4)   As a class, discuss your findings.


5)   Imagine it is 2032. You have just been elected Prime Minister of Australia.    As the �voice of the people,� make a list of ten promises you would make to keep yourself in power.  Try to make realistic promises.


6)   Compare your list to the person next to you.


7)   In your opinion, number the following roles from 1 – 10, with one being most important and 10 being least important.


* Parent  * Doctor  * Teacher  * Musician  * Lawyer 

*  President  * Priest  * Artist  * Nurse  * Soldier


8)   Explain your choices for the positions you placed #1. #5 and #10

9)   Discuss your findings to the rest of the class.

10)                   Who are some people in society that you think aren�t given enough recognition?

11)                   Discuss with the person next to you.


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